February 20, 2021

Righteous Judge

Loving Father: May every breath I breathe praise your holy name forever! There is no one like you, oh God. There is no power or strength on the earth, in the depths below or upon the heavens above that compares to the all powerful God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we serve. We praise your holy name forever!

I come to you this day to speak life over our nation and throughout the entire world. There is so much heartache and confusion; many people have been led astray like sheep without a shepherd. It seems all justice has been corrupted by the interpretations of men. Evil seems to prevail, but you are on the throne! LORD, help us to see your mighty hand at work among the nations, for I know you never sleep and never stop working! Help us to remember the promises you have set before us.

February 16, 2021

My God and My King! Hallelujah!

There is no one like you, my God and my King! The vastness and beauty of the universe compares not to your magnificent glory. In all the languages of men combined, no number of words could ever describe your marvelous splendor. I praise you, oh LORD, for the language of heaven; you give utterance in the Spirit when no words can be found. Hallelujah!

When I ponder the total sum of the stars in the galaxy and think about the terrifying power they possess, I am reminded that the combined energy they form compares not to your limitless strength. You are magnificent in splendor and marvelous to behold, oh LORD! My flesh trembles in your presence, my God, and my spirit dances freely before you, my Father. Hallelujah!

February 15, 2021

A Prayer of Praise!

 Abba, Father, you are worthy to receive all glory, honor and praise!

You speak life, and life is given. Everything that is, that was and that is to come springs forth through your creative power and by your mighty word. All things exist for your glory and by your limitless imagination; nothing exists outside of your sovereign will. All authority belongs to you, my God!

Loving Savior and LORD, Jesus, you hold all things together by your mighty power. By your strength, the sun, moon and stars give forth their light. All darkness flees before you!