Showing posts with label War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War. Show all posts

May 31, 2020

If My People... Spiritual Civil War

—I hope this speaks to your heart as it has spoken to mine. Our Abba has chosen to move, breathe and speak to me in unique ways. I don't believe he works the same with everyone, nor do I push my experiences upon anyone. I ask you to carefully weigh for yourself what I am about to share, aligning each statement with the Word of God, which is the ultimate authority in discerning spirits.

Jesus has only spoken to me directly and audibly twice in my life and both times in a dream. The Holy Spirit has prompted and nudged me in many different ways throughout the years, but his voice was indescribable and undeniable. Just as the LORD spoke through dreams in the life of Jacob, Joseph and so many others throughout the Bible, he also uses dreams to speak today.