I know that I know that I know in my heart, spirit and mind that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God Almighty, and that the Church is His Beloved Bride. If Christ loves His Bride so much that He died for her salvation, then why do I find it so difficult to love His Bride and commit to Him through committing to her? I cannot love Christ without also loving His Bride, just as I cannot be a part of Christ if I am not a part of the Bride of Christ – These things I know. For example, no one can say they love me, but not love Tiffany; I would reject them, and would want nothing to do with them; we are one.
These are the things I know, and I have been convicted of such. I have spent time reading through His scripture over the past few weeks – not because of any great inspiration, but rather because I know that I must begin to work on my spiritual disciplines to prevent a calluses from growing thicker and thicker around my being. God has slowly been working away on me. It has been a slow process, but I have faith that He will do a good work in me, as His Word promises this. Until this morning, reading His Word and prayer have been motions I have gone through, kind of like beginning a diet, but I had not seen any change in myself until today (I still have a long journey ahead of me) – and it is all because of Him, and nothing that I could ever do.