February 27, 2021

No Other Name, but the Name of Jesus!

We are a wicked people! We are an abhorrent generation! Our hearts are full of pure evil. Thick darkness consumes our every thought. There is nothing we can offer you, oh God! Our gifts are mere trash to be burned in the unholy place. There is nothing we can do that might deserve your salvation from the coming judgement!

How great is our sin, oh LORD! How long will you abstain from your anger? How long will you push back the coming wrath? There is nothing good within us! No one is worthy to receive your grace or stand outside the door of your holy sanctuary! 

You have held back your wrath, oh LORD! Your justice has not fallen upon the earth. You have delivered us from complete annihilation, and by your powerful mercy, you have shielded us under the wings of your grace. We are so unworthy of your affections. We deserve only death, my God and my King!

Jesus has paid it all! You have given us your son, Jesus, as a holy atonement for our sins against your name. If it were not for his blood, all mankind would be obliterated from your presence. Bless your holy name forever and ever!

You possess the right, as our Creator, to snuff us out, because of our transgressions against your commands. But because of Jesus, the forbearance of your judgment has allowed for the outpouring of your grace! We praise you, loving Father! Hallelujah!

Because of Jesus, you have freely poured out your salvation upon the earth and have given us hope for a future! I am convinced the entire universe, and all that has breath within it, finds its salvation through the precious blood of Jesus alone. Hallelujah!

There is no other name by which we find our salvation, oh God! Only by the blood of your son, Jesus, and by his holy name are we saved. Hallelujah! By his name, we call you Abba, Father. Hallelujah!

All other gods and all other religions are tools of the devil, Satan, and distract from your truth! They are pure evil and lead to darkness and death.

Without you, all of creation would be consumed by the fires of your justice, but you have saved us, oh LORD! You have called us by name! You have given us a place at your table and have adopted us as your sons and daughters! Hallelujah!

For as high as the heavens are above the earth and as far as the east is from the west, so great is the measure of your love for those who fear you; for those who love your son, Jesus, and obey your commands. Hallelujah! Amen!

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