—Where to begin, Lord? Where to begin?
There are so many hurting people in the world, but today I feel the focus of this prayer should be for women who have had, are contemplating having or are being pushed, coerced or even forced into having an abortion.
Lord God, I know what I went through when I miscarried our fourth child. My heart was broken. I thought there should have been something I could have done to prevent it from happening. I doubted myself and I thought there must be something wrong with me. For over a year, tears would appear unbidden when passing through infant aisles in stores. I remember that terrified feeling that I had forgotten one of my children when preparing to leave to go somewhere. At times I wondered if I was all there! Now I know I was grieving.
Because of this, I cannot imagine how much worse the feelings of remorse in those who have deliberately, or unwillingly, but were fearful of repercussions if they didn't, and especially for all the young girls who were forced by parents or guardians to destroy their unborn child.
We tend to rock back on our heels, purse our lips and wag our heads at them, but Father, just as those unborn children were a gift from You, these women are YOUR children and You love them extremely and so should we.
Help us to set aside our judgmental attitudes and look into their eyes, see and feel their agony and love them! Many of them will suffer not only the loss of their child, but the loss of the ability to have children in the future. Others will develop breast cancer from overproduction of hormones not being put to use. Some will become angry toward men in general, blaming them for it all. Some will hate their parents or guardians for forcing them. And some will die... all because we, yes we, Your children, have allowed this into our world.
You called us to be watchmen, and we failed in this area. We became sleepy like the disciples Jesus asked to stay awake and pray with him. And then, just as mankind has always done, we passed the blame onto the women mostly and a little on the men and tons on those running the abortion clinics.
Well, today we give notice that we are part of an awakening of Your people! We will pray and pray and pray some more to see the change in this nation and this world that MUST come about! We will continue to pray until we arrive home with you!
In the name of Jesus, I lift all the women who have been involved in or are thinking about abortion! Lord, for those who have had one, reveal to them one of your hill people (especially those who have been through this and know You are the answer), who are shining the light You have placed within them; who will take these women under their wings and mentor them in the faith of the One who can give them abundant life now and for all eternity!
I lift up the men who chose to either push for their child's death or stood by and allowed it to happen. I pray that you would bare their souls before them so they can see the corruption of such an act; how it flays their spirit, causing thick scars that harden them against life. I pray they might seek forgiveness and healing. Lead them to other men who have found forgiveness and healing that they might come to know you or know you more fully as Savior and Lord!
I lift up parents and guardians who led their daughters and those they are supposed to be guarding down the road of destruction and death. Help them to see the error of their ways and seek forgiveness and healing from both You and these precious women.
I also lift up the rapist who may have brought about the conception of a child and ask that you also lay their souls out before them so they can see that their actions, except by your grace, have destroyed a woman or a girl's life, an unborn child's life and their own. Clear their minds to see the truth behind their hatred of women; that it is a gross misrepresentation of women they have been force-fed by the enemy of their soul. Help them seek your forgiveness and help us learn to give it to them as well.
I ask that you open the eyes and minds of the abortionist to see the horror of the things they are doing. Help them feel the pain of the unborn. Help them realize the destruction of a woman's body they are possibly bringing about. Grant them the gift of realization that they are enveloped by sin and death and need Your help and deliverance from the oppression of the evil one in their lives.
Father, cause us to rise up in anger against words like, "my life, my body", "just a clump of cells", and "they aren't wanted anyway." Help us refute them with words of wisdom straight from your mouth to ours. Help us remember that the war is not AGAINST people, but FOR them!
Our words have the power of life or death according to Proverbs 18:21. We have allowed the words of death to reign far too long, but no more! Help us learn to speak words of life that come only from knowing You and what You have to say, because Your words are Life--John 6:63 and Hebrews 4:12! Make us wise as serpents and gentle as doves--Matthew 10:16. In Jesus' name, AMEN!
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