"These 6 things the Lord hates; indeed 7 are repulsive to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that creates wicked plans, feet that run swiftly to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies (even half-truths) and one who spreads discord among brothers." ~Proverbs 6:16-19 AMP
—Lord God, what can I say but we are guilty! I must speak and pray the Truth, or my prayers are nothing but hot air that puffs up pride. WE ARE GUILTY!
I cannot thank You enough for Jesus' sacrificial death upon the cross that we might receive forgiveness, and His resurrection that we might receive eternal life. If I were to die today, this would be enough. YOU ARE SUFFICIENT for my every need, for OUR every need if we will but turn with all our hearts to You and seek forgiveness and restoration.
We cry out for healing, but first we need to be restored to the "who" You created us to be. You did not create us for illness, death, sin, disease or any other peril of this world. You created us for eternity; eternity with You. So, today I pray as Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane: Make us one as You and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are One.
You freely pour out Your Holy Spirit in and on all who will willingly receive. Pour out Your Holy Spirit in abundance on all those seeking You right now; all those whose hearts are longing openly and honestly for You to fill them.
There are even those seeking You, but who don't realize Who it really is they are searching for. Grant them eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts that understand. Help them grasp the height, depth, width; the full portion of Your love which is infinite in every direction and has more dimensions than we can count or imagine.
Bring Your Church together as one in seeking forgiveness; first, for us, the Church, in allowing and even propagating disunity; second, for our individual states and nations; then for this world as a whole as it goes through the birth pangs of rebirth and regeneration and is united with heaven and You.
I pray for forgiveness in the area of pride: thinking any one denomination is any better than the next. Forgive us for lying: the times we have spoken only half-truths or kept our mouths shut because we wanted to be accepted. For putting the fear of man ahead of the fear of You, God!
Forgive us for shedding innocent blood through hatred. You tell us in 1 John 3:15 that hatred is equal to murder: forgive us, Lord, and help us WANT to be forgiven.
Our nation has been plotting evil. I do not know everyone behind it, but You do. Reveal their plots and plans so Your people can resist. The feet that run to evil will be cut off, but Your children will mount up with wings as eagles. We will run and not be weary. We will walk and not faint.
Thank You for Your Word, Your Truth, Your faithfulness - Your Love, for You ARE LOVE! (1 John 4:7)
Help us learn to receive more and more of Your Truths without fear. In Jesus' name - the Lord has heard my supplication. The Lord receives my prayer.
Let all my enemies be ashamed and greatly horrified; let them turn back, let them suddenly be ashamed (Psalm 6:9-10) and may they, in their turning, turn to You for forgiveness, restoration and regeneration. Amen!
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