June 30, 2020

Awaken Your Church

"The foolishness of man undermines his way, ruining whatever he undertakes; then his heart is resentful and rages against the Lord for, being a fool, he blames the Lord instead of himself." ~Proverbs 19:3

—Lord, time is drawing short, that is clear. We must be ready! We have been foolish long enough! Wake us, Lord, into Your Infinite Wisdom. Make Your children evident to this world! Help them see in us a God who cannot be conquered or contained, because You, Sir, ARE Almighty, Most Holy, Omnipotent, All Seeing, All Knowing, All Consuming God!

We will either be consumed by Your Love or we will be consumed by Your wrath as we cling to sin! It is sin You will destroy, but we will be destroyed with it if we choose to cling to it rather than let it go and fling it far from us!

We can no longer blame You for our choices, because You have warned us time and time again! On the day of Your return we will either stand for You or against You. We must choose and we must choose now! The time is urgent! 

Awaken Your church to rise up and sing Your Praises! Help us set aside all arguments and simply LOVE unconditionally! Forgive us for sleeping for such a long time! Thank you for closing church buildings so The Church would rise up and truly cry out to You once again, seeking forgiveness and restoration! We do love you! Help us to love you more! In Jesus name, Amen!

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