June 28, 2020

A Prayer For The President

—Here I am, Lord. Speak to my heart the words You would have me pray for our President.

First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all people; for kings and all who are in positions of high authority, SO THAT WE MAY LIVE A PEACEFUL AND QUIET LIFE IN ALL GODLINESS AND DIGNITY. II Timothy 2:2 AMP

Lord, we come before You today in humbleness of spirit. If there is anything in us, in me, that reeks the least bit in pride of flesh, remove it and forgive us, forgive me, that we might truly come in all humility.

You have called us to be a people who remember; remember the consequences of negative behavior and the positives of following Jesus. Help us at this moment to remember how loving and gracious You were and are to us in forgiving us of our personal mistakes so that we begin to understand the enormity of our own sinful past and forgive the past mistakes of others, even those of our President, senators, representatives and Supreme Court judges.

Help us realize that if You are not only willing, but desirous to forgive us our sinfulness, then You are the same with every human being You have ever created and since we were created in Your image, we NEED to forgive as well in order to reflect to the world whose we are in Christ Jesus. 

We thank You for Your generosity in this and ask that You reveal to the heart of President Trump any areas of which he needs to seek forgiveness and in his repentance build him up strong in spirit and determined in faithfulness to Your word. Place Psalm 56 before him and his family and staff and us to pray for him daily and I thank You for it. Place on each of Your children's hearts the way in which You would have them pray it. 

For me it goes like this: Be gracious to President Trump, O God, for man has trampled on him; all day long our adversary, the devil Satan and his cohorts, has trampled on him, using those who are supposed to desire his success in office the most to do so, because they prefer the agenda of darkness over that of Your light. They are many who fight proudly against him. When he is afraid, and when we are as well, remind him and us to place our trust and faith in You; in You, God, whose word we all praise. In You God we choose to place our trust, we shall not fear! What can man do to any of us, Your children? If we live, we live to serve You. If we die, we still live with You, in Your presence for all eternity! 

However, all day long these lost sheep twist President Trump's words and actions to benefit their personal agendas. They say hateful things and all their thoughts (placed there by the evil one) are against him for evil. They attack. They hide and lurk. They watch his every step as they have waited to destroy his life. Speak to their hearts and minds the desire of Your heart for them to turn from their wicked ways and seek Your forgiveness and to follow Jesus. If they refuse to listen, then cast them out of office because of their wickedness, which hurts not only the President, but all their constituents and ultimately our country at large. 

In anger, bring down the peoples from office who reject You and refuse to turn to Your gracious offer of love and forgiveness, not because You wish to see them personally destroyed, but because You desire the works of the evil one working in them to be destroyed. You have taken into account the President's and our wanderings from You in our frustrations and fears. Forgive us all for these times of unfaithfulness.

Grant our President and us, ALL of Your children, hearts of true repentance bought with Jesus' blood and collect all our tears in Your bottle and record them in Your book, that President Trump and all the rest of us might walk in the freedom of Your forgiveness with all boldness as we come before Your throne of grace in prayer for our country daily. Then our enemies, Satan and his minions, will turn back in these days as we call upon You. 

This we know, that God is for us. In God, whose word we praise, In the Lord, whose word we praise, in God we put our trust and confident reliance; WE WILL NOT BE AFRAID!! What can man do to us? Lord, have the vows You have had President Trump make towards this country remain heavy on his heart as he remembers the vows of forgiveness and love You have made to him and all of Your children. 

We give offerings of thanks to You God in this! For You have rescued our souls from death, yes, and our feet from stumbling, so that we may walk before You in the Light of life! In the name of Your precious Son Jesus we pray, Amen!

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