—Yesterday morning at dawn, the LORD gave me a powerful image of two strong and majestic lions walking side by side, like royal equals. They stood at the threshold of your home. I say your home, because the home was not my own, but I too was there in the Spirit.
Unlike a previous image of two lions of death and destruction, these two lions were distinctly different. They were beautiful to behold, as two mighty kings ruling over one kingdom, standing side by side. While their strength and presence was frightening, there was love and gentleness behind their eyes. Coming from their mouths in unison and stretching over the doorframe of your home was a banner that read: “Love”.
I always try to parallel imagery with Holy Scripture, as to confirm the spirit behind the image. I wasn’t quite certain where the idea of a “banner of love” came from. I thought maybe the Psalms? The Holy Spirit nudged me toward the Song of Songs, which I had not read since the summer of 2004. I believe this is a prophetic love song between Christ and His Church:
The Church:
“I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.”
Jesus, Christ:
“Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the young women.”
The Church:
“Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste. Let him lead me to the banquet hall, and let his banner over me be love.”
~Song of Songs 2:1-4 NIV
If you find yourself in Christ Jesus this morning, take this in and soak it up.
Let this be a beautiful reminder that the day of the great banquet is near. The Holy Spirit testifies to this by two witnesses: the Day of the LORD is coming soon, and the Bridegroom will be ready to receive His Bride. Let the Bride be ready, and let her say: “Come, my Beloved, for your banner over me is love.”
If you are not in Christ Jesus today, the LORD stands at the threshold of your home and waits for you to open the door. Will you close the door in fear of his mighty power and majestic presence, or will you realize that you are as a lily among thorns in his sight? You are his darling. He speaks his banner of love over you today. Will you proclaim that with me? Amen.
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