March 19, 2020

The Orange

A little long, but stay with me here:

I have to share this, and I will sound like a crazy person to some, but if you have faith, I hope this encourages you. Over the past few days, the Lord has really been speaking to me. I can’t lie, the “flesh” has also been yelling at me too... all the talk of COVID-19, thinking about my wife and her underlying health concerns. Honestly, I’ve been living like an atheist when it comes to my wife. All this time, God has literally been speaking into my spirit and giving me visions and dreams about what He is doing on the earth, but when it came to my wife... I have been living in fear. Until tonight.

A few weeks back, I was eating an orange, driving down the highway and talking with God... long before I had even thought one moment about the current events. You know, back when life was normal? Anyway, I’m eating this delicious and perfect orange and I had to stop and just worship our Maker. I thanked Him for the orange. I looked closely at the orange, and thought about all the intentional design and love that went into creating us oranges to eat. I mean, in that very moment, I was literally holding a miracle in my hand. I thought, “If God can create this perfect orange, He can do anything!” It was one of those wake up moments for me.

Now flash forward to tonight. I’m all worried and feel oppressed by this stupid virus. And then God flashes an image of an orange through my mind as I’m getting ready for bed. I’m literally brushing my teeth in the dark, and there it is. An orange. In that moment, He so vividly and clearly spoke to my spirit: “If I can create the perfect and sweetest orange, there is nothing I cannot do.”

At that very moment, I repented of my lack of faith and God has 100% restored my joy and has planted a seed of deep faith that He has my wife in the shadow of His wing...

Which, and this is the best part... this image of His wing brought me right back to a Psalm I wrote about earlier this week. Can you guess it? Psalm 91.

Psalm 91:4 NIV—

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”

You’ve got to be kidding me right now... Wow! My God is Mighty! And good, He’s so very good. Trust Him friend. There is no greater life than a life in Him. Amen!

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