It was early morning Christmas Eve, December 24, 2018, and the Lord spoke to me through a dream. It was an uncomfortable dream. Certain aspects of the dream were repulsive to me, but also a much needed “spiritual reality” check. I believe it speaks to the church today. Much of this dream was intuitive, as I somehow knew the thoughts, feelings and emotions of those represented in the dream without spoken word or action.
In the dream, my brother was speaking exhortation and rebuke over a flock like sheep, but the sheep were all human and no one listened at first. I knew in my heart that these were all brothers and sisters in Christ. We were standing in the middle of a great and desolate desert that stretched as far as the eye could see. The desert ground was hard and dry; a hot mixture of sharp rock and coarse sand made up its floor and fog stretched over the land. The flock was sheltered from the heat. They were all standing under an open barn-style structure made of wood, bathing in the shade and drinking from a crystal clear pool of water. The water was cool and refreshing. The flock had an endless supply.
As the flock stood around, a large mob approached in the distance. When the flock caught sight of the mob, they began to mumble and gripe about the mob, saying “They’re all sinners going to hell. They’re repulsive and disgusting! The mere sight of them makes me sick. Their judgment will come quickly! Do they not know the abomination they are?”
As the flock grumbled amongst themselves, the mob drew closer and closer. The mob was made up of those who kill the spirit and murder the flesh, including eaters of flesh, those committing adultery, incestual acts and other sexual perversions. In the mob were also those who practice witchcraft, those who thieve, many drunkards and cheaters, slanderers and gossips, those who abuse others, including little children. The mob was horrifying and repulsive to look at, and their stench lingered in the air.
But as the mob drew closer and closer, the voice of my brother spoke these words over the flock: “You drink from the living water, yet your words bring death and destruction. Too long, dear brothers and sisters, have we spoken judgement over the earth! Too long have we stood by while the desolate in heart stumble blindly through the desert without a guide! We have been given shade from the scorching heat and endless access to the great pool of living water, and yet we hoard it as if it were somehow ours to control. Listen, dear brothers and sisters. Heed my words!” It was about this time some in the flock began to listen, as they paused from their grumbling and mocking the mob.
He continued, “Our Father alone holds judgement in His hands! In one hand, He holds justice and in the other, He holds mercy. Conviction comes by the Spirit of the Father and repentance comes by the kindness of God! We were not called to judgement, my brothers and sisters, but by mercy, we drink from the water. Those who have gone before us preached the wrath and judgement of God, but the Spirit of Jesus says ‘Kindness, not hate. Mercy, not judgement.’ When we give water, we demonstrate His kindness. When we speak truth by the Spirit of the Father in us, then our words will lead some to repentance. However, if we speak by our own judgement in anger, we no longer speak by the Spirit of our Father, but by our own authority, which leads to condemnation by all accounts! And when you drink, this living water flows out from you. This desert is vast and deadly; its torment has no end! We may be the only stream available to this mob, my friends. Give mercy, not judgment, just as you received mercy! Show kindness, not hate. Let the water bring life! Give water!”
As the mob approached the shelter, their feet were cut and calloused. Their lips were parched and cracked. Many had looks of sadness and depression on their faces. Others had looks of hate and anger in their eyes. Their hair was matted and dirty. Their clothes were hanging from their bony bodies; torn like rags. They had traveled this desert together, but felt all alone in the world. Pain and anguish shot up their legs and through their bodies with each passing step. Their tongues were dry and parched, sticking to the roof of their mouths. With each moan of anguish, their lips cracked open and bled. It was as if they were dead, but living still.
The flock began to slowly offer cups of cold water from the pool, but they felt somewhat afraid and repulsed by the sight of the mob. Some in the mob growled and hissed as they passed, “I’ll find my own water and shade. I don’t need what you have to offer.” The flock at first didn’t know what to do. “Give mercy, not judgment. Show kindness, not hate. Let the Spirit of the Father bring conviction and let His kindness in you bring some to repentance. You were called by his mercy. You were transformed by His kindness. Let the kindness of God flow through you and let the cool water bring healing today! Simply give water, my brothers and sisters!”
At the end of the dream, I remember holding open the mouth of a man and slowly pouring water over his parched lips and tongue. What he said to me then with tears in his eyes, I’ll never forget, “You are not like others I’ve passed in this desert. You do not preach hate and condemnation. You give us water to drink and shade from the heat. You welcome us in and treat us as equals. You give us cold water, not hate.” This man’s sin was worn like clothing, but he was amazed at the water we offered him. The last thing I recall saying to him is this, “Drink the living water."
And then I woke up.
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