April 15, 2018

Your Heavenly Daddy

Did you know that when your Heavenly Daddy looks upon you he only sees the "you" he created you to be? It's in that very moment you realize you are completely and totally loved by him. He doesn't love you like your earthly father loves, as even the love of the very best earthly father is nothing in comparison to the perfect love your Heavenly Daddy lavishes over you. He loves you more, so much more, that he allowed his one and only son, Jesus, to stand in your place so that sins' sufferings might not harm your eternal existence.

No, I do not believe he sacrificed his son, although it was truly a sacrifice to see Jesus leave the glory of heaven. He did allow it to happen though. He freely handed his son over to death for you and for me. Jesus himself willingly chose to demonstrate his love for you and for his Father by counting his life as nothing; nothing without you. He left the grandeur and splendor of heaven to live as a man and to die as a man and to die upon a criminal's cross. My cross. Your cross. This love is such a mystery that only the faith of a little child can fully comprehend it.

Your Heavenly Daddy allowed Jesus to suffer and die for your disobedience and sins; for mine too. Because our ancestors sacrificed Jesus on the cross, our hand also took part in his death. But as amazing as it might be for someone to willingly die in the place of another, to even die for someone who hates him and speaks insults upon him, laughs and mocks and spits in his face and uses his name as a common everyday curse, there is nothing so amazing as the salvation we find in his resurrection power to new life! If Jesus were not raised from the dead, we are all fools! But yet, the Holy Spirit gives testimony and is witness to this truth, and this same resurrection power is available to you also. Only the faith of a little child can fully comprehend such a mystery.

Because of this profound mystery, you and I have been given rights to sonship in Jesus. We who place our faith in Jesus have been adopted into his family and have been given full access to all he has to offer us; his heart. I pray you might one day believe that Jesus is the Son of the Living God and that all he came to accomplish and do is true. He is the only truth. He is the only way. Trust him and you too will be given the same inheritance of eternal life, being adopted into his family. Your sins will be forgiven and he will toss them away as far as the East is from the West.

What will your choice be?

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