October 27, 2017

The Maple Tree

As I occasionally do, I dropped my wife and children off at work and school today. As I was driving home, I enjoyed an awesome time with God through song and worship. When I turned onto our road, I remembered this maple tree that has grabbed my attention every time I’ve driven by it. I was excited to see it again, but today it looked a little different. Many of the fiery red leaves that had once radiated with dazzling beauty had nearly all fallen off. Its brilliance was fading as the seasons change from fall to winter. The reality struck me that I would soon see nothing but a lifeless gray tree sleeping soundly for the winter. I became somewhat saddened at the thought, as this once beautiful thing to behold now grows dim.

I began to think about our own lives as followers of the LORD. King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live (1 Kings 3:12) and the son of King David, says in Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted” and he continues on through the many seasons of life. As I was thinking about the maple tree this morning, I also began to think about how our own lives are so much like this tree, or should be anyway.

Just as a tiny seedling gives root to becoming a mighty tree someday, we too must be born of a seed of faith, giving root in the soils of hope through a love found only in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As the roots grow deeply into the rich soil, we too must establish a firm foundation in our LORD, the one and only way. Just as the branches of the tree grow upward and out, pointing ever to the sun and provide soothing shade for the weary, we too must daily spread our branches of praise, worship, song, good deeds, love for His Church and His Word, care for the widows and the orphans, a cup of cold water for our enemies, a meal for the hungry, a blanket for the cold. We must deliver the truth of our LORD as we provide a place of shelter for the weary hearted; we do this as we point our lives toward the radiant Light of the Son, who gives us life everlasting.

Just as the maple tree produces new life in the spring and sings songs of praise as the breeze flows through its leaves, so should our own lives produce new life as we glorify our LORD and sings songs of praise as His Holy Spirit flows over us. And just as the color of the leaves blossom into a radiant fiery red that no one can resist to draw nearer, so also should our own “spiritual leaves” of good deeds be an ever radiant reminder of who Jesus is and what Jesus can do for those around us as we worship Him.

My wife and I once attempted to plant a maple tree in our yard in honor of her late sister, Jessica. We could not keep the tree alive. After researching it further, we determined the reason the tree would not mature, grow, blossom and become something beautiful is because we had planted it in the shadow of a much larger tree. Without the light of the sun, the tree could not grow. We too can be like this tree at times. If we are planted in the shadow of another and we base our faith and relationship with God to the shadow of someone else and not in the Light of the Son, we will surely never grow and eventually die. We must be planted in the soils of faith that come from the hearing of the Gospel, and establish our firm foundation in the Light of the Son. He is the only Way, the Truth and the Life! No one can come to the Father God except by His Name!

I think of how the maple tree grows and how its leaves become more beautiful as the seasons change. And I think about our own lives too. For everything there is a season under heaven. How glorious it will be when we find ourselves in heaven and seasons are no more! Our time is so very short here on earth. James says “we are but a mist” or a breeze; we are here one moment and gone the next. A part of me felt I might always be able to pass by this beautiful maple and admire its radiance. But deep inside, I knew its beauty would soon fade away. Likewise, many brothers and sister in the faith have also fallen asleep in the LORD; their lives pointed to their Creator as they glorified the Father through the Son. I think of Jessica, and I think of my grandparents who have also gone to be with Jesus.

We only have one life to live and one life to do it right. Do I want people to see a dead gray tree when they look at me before my day of rest should come? May the LORD go ahead and take me now should this ever be the case! No, I want to be like the maple tree. I want to grow in the beauty of my LORD until the seasons change and I should fall asleep in Him. We, as spiritual maple trees, must allow the Spirit of God to change us and transform us daily into something beautiful. May our LORD give us strength. May our LORD flow over us with His Holy Spirit and fill us up as we sing His praise. May we become radiant testimonies of His awesome works as we allow His Light to overcome all that stands in our way.

One last thought…a tree points only to its Creator; it lives only to glorify the Father. Toward what or whom does your life point? For whom do you live your life?

I love you all, be blessed.

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