August 15, 2017

His Favor

This is what I heard the Spirit of the LORD say as He woke me in a state of worship this morning, and I believe it may also be for those who have ears to hear:

"I in you and you in me, I crush the oppressor and set the captives free; I in you and you in me, I shut the mouths of mocking thieves; I in you and you in me, I give power over sin and make the blind to see; I in you and you in me, I remove the stronghold of immorality; I in you and you in me, I kill the flesh and set your spirit free; I in you and you in me; I give you JOY with impartiality; I in you and you in me, I fill you up as overflowing seas; I in you and you in me, I make you righteous and give you liberty; I in you and you in me, I lift you up and cause your eyes to see: the coming of the LORD, for those who abide in me."

(UPDATE 4:46 AM: After the LORD gave me this insight, He confirmed it through guiding me to Isaiah 61 - read it! Wow! We are in the year of our LORD's favor, Church! Praise God!)


My Daddy God is so faithful to demonstrate His strength in our weakness. It is not by our own strength that we are able to walk by the Holy Spirit of God, but rather by His power at work in us as we submit to Him in obedience.

It is not by our own strength that we can do anything for Him, but rather out of the Spirit of worship, He empowers us to do His will.

It is not by our own might, will or efforts that we are made holy or righteous before Him, but rather His Holy Spirit in us who makes us holy, righteous and set apart by the precious blood of Christ Jesus.

We become Children of God, heirs of His righteousness, not because of anything we do, but rather by that which Christ Jesus does in us.

We do not pray with any authority of our own, but rather by the voice of His Holy Spirit speaking through us.

Stop trying to live a righteous life before the Father by your own works of the flesh, and start allowing the works of the Spirit to work through you.

God is so good, and His Mercy is so rich. Let's press into His Glory today, and allow Him to do a work both in and through us all. Amen.

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