May 14, 2015

My Father’s Love

From my very earliest memories, I don’t recall a time when I ever felt unloved or unappreciated by my father. I would be dishonest to say my father was perfect, but I can say my father was and is one of the best of fathers that God has ever created. It’s odd to think about really; I’m sure there are things he wishes he had done differently, but if my children ever say of me what I think about my father, what an honor that would be! Despite any forgotten shortcomings, I am proud and honored to call him my father. His name is David Carmichael, and it’s because of his legacy I am the father I am today.

There are several qualities my father possesses. Some of these qualities are: provision of shelter, protection, food, clothing – never once did we go without; unconditional love for his family; loyalty to his God, to his wife, to his children and to his calling; the love of God’s word; quiet strength that only comes from God; discipline; tenderness; affection; compassion; forgiveness; wisdom; a servant’s heart and humility; self-control; leadership; a heart of sacrifice and a doer of good deeds. These are some of the qualities I have seen in him as I have grown in faith and age. I long for my own children to recognize these qualities in me someday.

While I could keep on talking about this man who raised me along with my dear sweet momma, I have come to realize the godly qualities seen in him were birthed into his life out of obedience and love for God. God is the One who impregnated my father with the gift and calling of fatherhood. For those who seek Him, God is the Father who impregnates every man with the qualities that produce children of the faith. The man who raised me is worthy of honor and is truly blessed, and the God he serves is glorified by many because of my father’s obedience and love for his family.

As I reflect upon God as Father today, I am reminded of all of the qualities He possesses – so many, I cannot count. God is love, and God is the Father of all mankind; first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. His love for His children spreads far and wide, and not only to His chosen people, but also to His adopted sons and daughters. Through Christ Jesus, we see the fullness of God’s heart for His children – we see God pouring out His love upon all mankind in the form of Christ Jesus.

God is both Father to the poor and to the rich. He is compassionate to the homeless. He cares for the sick and rejoices with the healthy. God loves those who are lonely and those with friends. He is justice for the abandoned and abused. He is daddy to the orphan. He is strength for the widow. He loves the lovely and the unlovely. He offers forgiveness to the sinner and acceptance to the repentant heart. God’s love poured out upon all mankind leaves us with much to think about… much to consider as we pursue Him in fatherhood.

Father God, I give you my heart today to be conformed to your will. I lay it bare before you, open and ready to receive what you have for me as a father. I give you my hands that they might display godly tenderness and affection to my children. I pray these hands might hold tightly to the hand of the orphan and give back to the needs of the widow. I give you these hands to do good deeds.

I give you my feet that they might go wherever you might lead me, to stand firm in the faith before my children. I give you my feet to walk the path of righteousness, guiding my family along the way. I give you my feet to stand strong as a father, unwavering and planted firmly in your will.

I give you my mouth that I might only speak words of life and love upon my children, upon their lives and that I might speak words of encouragement and love to the children you place in my path. I pray this mouth might only bring joyful noise to your ears and many blessings upon my children.

I give you my eyes that they might only look upon what is pleasing to you and that they might see the needs of my children to know how to respond. I pray my eyes might always see through your eyes, seeing the hearts, desires and needs of my children through your eyes alone.

I give you my ears that I might listen to my children, truly listening to what they have to tell me. I give you my ears to hear your word and to listen to your voice. I pray that my ears will never miss your calling.

I give you my mind that I might dedicate it to the meditation and memorization of your word and that my thoughts might be brought forth in action. I give you this mind to bring about action to your will, understanding the wisdom that only comes from you.

I give you my body that it might be a vessel for your Spirit, spreading your love for your children among the nations. Teach me your ways and impregnate me with your knowledge of fatherhood, Lord. The calling of fatherhood cannot be brought to maturity without you at the center of my being. I praise you, God, for revealing yourself to me. I praise you for keeping me humble in my strengths while transforming my weaknesses.

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