February 16, 2014

Serving Christ Enthusiastically... Moisturizer for the Heart

I know that I know that I know in my heart, spirit and mind that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God Almighty, and that the Church is His Beloved Bride. If Christ loves His Bride so much that He died for her salvation, then why do I find it so difficult to love His Bride and commit to Him through committing to her? I cannot love Christ without also loving His Bride, just as I cannot be a part of Christ if I am not a part of the Bride of Christ – These things I know. For example, no one can say they love me, but not love Tiffany; I would reject them, and would want nothing to do with them; we are one.

These are the things I know, and I have been convicted of such. I have spent time reading through His scripture over the past few weeks – not because of any great inspiration, but rather because I know that I must begin to work on my spiritual disciplines to prevent a calluses from growing thicker and thicker around my being. God has slowly been working away on me. It has been a slow process, but I have faith that He will do a good work in me, as His Word promises this. Until this morning, reading His Word and prayer have been motions I have gone through, kind of like beginning a diet, but I had not seen any change in myself until today (I still have a long journey ahead of me) – and it is all because of Him, and nothing that I could ever do.

I was reading from I Corinthians, Chapter 15. The irony of it all is in previous days I read through the previous chapters (talking about love, spiritual gifts, etc. – all great stuff!), and nothing struck me as anything new. However, my spirit must have been more open to hearing the Spirit of God this morning, as it struck me with a cooling sensation, as cool Aloe Vera brings relief to a sunburn. Paul is speaking to the church of Corinth, as some individuals do not believe in the resurrection of the Bride of Christ, and are teaching these false doctrines. He begins by reminding the church that they believed what he previously taught, and nothing that he teaches has changed – including his teaching on the resurrection of the Bride. He then ties this into the apostles’ teachings, which were passed onto him, and the witnesses of Christ’s resurrection. He identifies the authority that Christ gave him as an apostle, although he does not see himself worthy of this title, and considers himself the least of the apostles. In verse eleven, Paul basically says “It doesn’t matter if I preached the resurrection or if the first apostles preached the resurrection, as we all preach one and the same message.” In other words, “Don’t go changing what has always been true!” This could lead into a whole other blog entry, but I will not go there now.

Paul then goes on to say that there is either a resurrection or there is not. If there is not a resurrection, then we believe in vain and should be most pitied among men. Paul again confirms that what he preaches is truth, as if from the lips of Christ Himself – just as Jesus was raised from the dead, so shall His Church be raised in the end. As death came into the world by one man, so shall the resurrection into new life come through Jesus Christ! There is a lot said on this issue, and Paul basically says that without the death, burial and resurrection of our new spiritual bodies, we will not be able to enter eternity with God. I so often forget this fact, and focus on the way my “physical body” feels and what my “physical heart” tells me to be true – this is sin, and Satan loves that!

In verse 51, Paul writes, “But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. (This brought tears to my eyes; I love secrets, especially God secrets) We will not all die, but we will all be transformed! (What a glorious day!) It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies. Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?’ For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. (I had to read this to myself several times over, each time with more conviction) Always work enthusiastically for the Lord (God, bring back the enthusiasm I once had in ministry and among Your Bride!), for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. (I have all too often forgotten this truth, but it is so very true.)”

I have read this chapter time and time again, but it has never struck my heart and spirit as it did today. When Paul says, “Let me reveal to you a wonderful secret” it was as if the voice of God whispered into my soul in the deep dark places, “Matthew, let me tell you a wonderful secret that you have forgotten, and the world may never know until it is too late – you will be transformed! You and those who have hurt you or come up against you!” As these words were spoken into me, I was reminded that I once worked enthusiastically for the Lord, until the Evil One put road blocks in my way and took my joy from underneath my feet. For the first time in a long time this morning, I felt the joy of God come over me again, and the feeling of enthusiasm for His Kingdom and His Church once again. I need to hold onto this each new day until it is made totally real in my life – I long for this!

I pray that God will continually remind me of this, as I take baby steps to reclaiming my place in the Body of Christ. Pray for me, my brothers and sisters, pray that God might continue to do a good work in me and through me, and that I will not shun from His will or His People.

1 comment:

  1. I love this Matthew. I am so thankful God has spoken to you again and reminded you that He is patient, and kind and loving and full of mercy and grace. Love you dear son.


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