November 08, 2012

Decision 2012

As Christian voters, we pray that God might place the correct person over us in leadership: this can sometimes really stretch our faith! Then, we vote. In this particular election, it was extremely difficult to decide how to vote, and then… I voted for a candidate who is unknown by many; one who shares my personal values and beliefs (I would rather go hungry and have no place to lay my head then to stand for the murder of thousands and thousands of innocent children each year and the mutilation of Godly family structure in our nation), knowing full well he would not be selected. I knew that one of the mainstream candidates was going to win.

So, I prayed… and the results did bring me down, I have to admit. But then, I remembered (with the help of loved ones) that God is still in control. Of this I am convinced: God will use whoever is in office to accomplish His perfect will on earth both among His faithful children and among His lost sheep. It is now our job to love our President, pray for him, and know that God too can speak to his heart and open his mind and eyes to HIS will. God can also harden his heart, if He so chooses, to bring about HIS will in His people and among this nation and beyond.

We are to hope, to trust, to love and to pray for not only our President and our nation, but also for those who oppose us and speak all kinds of evil against us… for they too are HIS beloved, and He died all the same for each one… no matter liberal or conservative, ethnicity or race, male or female, homosexual or heterosexual, God’s will is that NONE should parish, but through faith in HIM find eternal life.

We are not to judge, although I admit that this is my struggle and temptation all too often. A time is coming, and has already come, when HIS children will be tested, and the sheep will be separated from the goats, and the goats will be cast to the fire and the sheep will find true joy and freedom in their faith and hope and love in Christ Jesus. I push forward each day… and I hope to win the race and find myself on the other side, communing with Him and He with me, and we together with His beloved and unblemished sheep in open unscathed pastures and streams of Living Water.

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