I have held the crying orphan, from the streets… then brought to love. This calling to adoption, but that calling’s not enough.
I have walked the streets of hopelessness, where their youth is sniffed away; these streets so full of brokenness, the women, mere toys to play. Christ is true; his love breaks through, as His Church brings HOPE this day.
My feet have climbed the Aztec mountains; His HOPE shines light upon His GREATNESS. This child has lived neglect and sadness; has grown to offer true health in weakness.
I have looked upon the face of hunger, held want within these callused hands. What tiny fingers of loneliness! Such heartbreak can truly change this man.
Little ones who have only suffered! How much love have I truly offered? We do not walk this road alone; many have given their all for some.
I have walked this dusty road; drug wars and theft are their norm. I have seen the fear of death in their eyes; no one seems to hear their cries! I have crouched in the muddy trenches; physical and spiritual warfare, life in the ditches...
The homeless, the hopeless, the fatherless are my friends; their life is much more than poverty and sins. I have eaten their best, and felt compassion without rest… my heart so full of brokenness, as I witness your pity in hopelessness.
As Christ led me through this dangerous road, stood by my side in things untold, and placed my feet on His firm foundation, to Him be the glory and great celebration!
Like eagles wings above the mountains, I’ve soared with Christ through tribulation; this cross almost too great to carry... What more, oh God, my heart grows weary!
Wherever you shall lead, oh Lord, with great faith and joy, I will go. You are my rock, my one salvation! What joy is seen in your holy redemption!
May my life shine bright so all might know the awesome blessings we’ve suffered, Lord! Amen.
I love this poem... I remember every part that you speak about! We have experienced so much and you put it into words so simply, yet so profound. We are blessed!!!! I love you! xoxoxo Your Always and Forever!